Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Letter of the Day: Democratic hopefuls cannot see all of the good Bush has done

We can — and should — forgive Jim Calabrese for his statement in his recent letter that “today we have lost the respect of the world.”

However, we cannot and should not forgive Sen. Hillary Clinton and others running for the presidency when they make such statements.

Mr. Calabrese is expressing his opinion, for which our troops have and are fighting to allow him and many millions of others around the world to be able to do so without fear of imprisonment or death.

This is one of the main things that makes America “the greatest nation in the world,” as French President Nicolas Sarkozy said of America in his recent speech before our Congress.

That is in stark contrast to statements by Jacques Chirac, who was president of France when Bill Clinton was our president.

Mr. Calabrese does not have the power to affect the lives of millions of Americans as well as millions of other people around the world. However, Hillary Clinton and the other presidential candidates could have that power if one of them wins the election.

Despite the best efforts of former presidents Jimmy Carter, Clinton and former presidential candidate John Kerry to turn the world against America because they did not agree with President Bush’s foreign policy, they have failed. In addition to France, Germany has elected a pro-American, Angela Merkel, as their leader. British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said in a recent interview with Sky News that “great change is taking place, in addition to France and Germany the European Union is also moving more closely with America.”

Australia is very close to America. Libya gave up their weapons of mass destruction in an effort to move close to America. Canada is showing incredible steadfastness in taking disproportionate casualties while supporting the NATO mission in Afghanistan.

Democratic presidential hopefuls cannot see those nations and people who have moved close to America with George W. Bush as our president. Yet one of them can see UFOs. God help us all if one of them moves into the White House in 2009.

Paul A. Lowe

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