Saturday, June 14, 2008

Letter: Commissioners should rethink position on light rail for Iredell

Regarding recent stories about rising fuel prices, I recently e-mailed our Iredell County commissioners and made my case for why we should bring light rail transit to our area. I am a Statesville resident who works in Davidson. Like many other folks in Mooresville and Statesville, my daily commute is more than 40 miles roundtrip.

I understand that it seems unfair to raise taxes across the county for a service that citizens mostly in the southern areas of the county will use. But as gas prices continue to rise, and my monthly fuel costs for commuting to work approach $300 or more, I must admit I would be very willing to park my car (a fuel efficient 4-cylinder Nissan), pay higher taxes and ride the light rail to work every day.

There are few reasons (aside from cost) that would make light rail a bad choice. The demand is there — look at Charlotte. The Charlotte light rail has already exceeded all estimates, making some 13,000 trips per day. Gas prices are going up today. We’d better be thinking about how to get to work tomorrow. I encourage you to contact our commissioners and support more transit options.

James Hogan

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