Saturday, March 15, 2008

Letter: Bullets fired for fun can do some serious, fatal damage

It has been going on for quite a few years — gunshots all around Bethesda Road.

I live off one of those roads, with grandchildren playing outside, neighbors kids playing outside, animals all around, whether chained, fenced or just outside for a few minutes.

This week, my neighbor had a bullet go through her ceiling in her home; strange you think — maybe, but no. This is way too close for anyone to be using a bullet within this range.

Before you think about shooting straight up into the sky, this bullet has to land somewhere.

Whoever you are, need to take heed that there are kids and adults, animals and homes all around. The authorities say this bullet may have come from 2 miles away.

That means Bell Farm area, U.S. Highway 70 area or Cornflower Road area. It went through on Red Oak Drive.

You misbehaved person, whomever you may be, please stop before you hurt a child or anybody around here. God be with you.

Alisa Worthington

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