Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Letter: Beyond the call of duty

I would like to acknowledge the Statesville Fire Department for responding to the sound of an exploding transformer in the parking lot of Xavier’s Barberstyling. The explosion knocked out all power Saturday afternoon. Capt. Jeff D. Leaptrott and firefighters Brad Oswalt and Andy Russell responded within three minutes.

The barbers and I were still cutting hair when the power went off. A customer said he had to go to work and couldn’t with his hair only halfway cut.

I told everyone there was nothing we could do without power. Then other customers waiting began to laugh out loud. For the patrons, this was no laughing matter.

The firefighters heard our conversation, and as we watched them assess the damage, one firefighter replied, "No problem!" They backed the fire truck up to the building and plugged our clippers into their generator so we could finish our clients unless they were called to a more serious call.

They even brought in lights so we could see what we we’re doing. Now that’s community service.
As I finished my last client, the City of Statesville utilities department had the problem fixed and power restored.

Xavier Zsarmani

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