Friday, February 1, 2008

Letter of the Day: County misleads residents about its recycling efforts

I am a resident of Iredell County. I have garbage pick-up at my residence, but I take my recyclables to the central transfer station on Highway 115. A couple of weeks ago I saw the attendant emptying the plastic bag container into the household trash bin. I questioned the attendant about him dumping the can.

I was informed that Iredell County does not recycle plastic bags. I was shocked to learn about this. The trash can that he emptied is kept in the area with all of the other recycling bins. The can is blue and has the recycle logo on it. "Iredell County Recycles" is also on the can. "Plastic bags" is written on the lid with a white paint pen. I told the attendant that the can was misleading. I have been using the transfer station for months and assumed by the can and its location that Iredell County recycled these bags.

I took my plastic bags with me to Food Lion to recycle them. I returned to the transfer station again just a couple of days ago. I was emptying my cans and paper into the bins. Another gentleman was emptying his bags placing them into the same container I spoke about previously. I asked the man if he knew that the bags were not going to be recycled. He was under the impression that I was originally, that the bags were going to be recycled.

I hope that this letter is published so others can be informed of this situation. Maybe someone from the county will see this and take action in either removing the can or initiating a plastic bag recycling program for the county.

Cody McLain

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