Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Letter: Proposed asphalt plant caught an unjustified bad wrap

I have been an employee of Maymead, Inc. for six years and have been around asphalt all my life. Not once have I been concerned for my health as a paving superintendent. My wife and I stay in a camper behind the Maymead office during the paving season. The camper is within 250 feet of the plant, and we are not afraid of it.

I have read the letters to the editor about the proposed plant, and I am disgusted by the lies that are being spread about Maymead and asphalt. Asphalt is a safe product that is necessary for everyday life, and it provides a living for me and many other people in the area.

I am on the side of the road when it is paved. I am not afraid to breathe asphalt and neither is anyone else as they drive by hot mix. What is laid is exactly what comes out of the plant, and for us to handle this material we don’t even have to wear masks. No one on my crews has been diagnosed with cancer.

I have worked on Interstate 77 and understand the danger to workers and traveling public if we have any problems with our plant. If we can’t pave the road after it has been milled, it is a hazard to everyone. I want the citizens of Statesville to understand the only asphalt threat is the threat of not having enough.

Tom Dickens
Paving Superintendent, Maymead, Inc.

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