Saturday, February 2, 2008

Letter of the Day: Judging rich Christians can be dangerous for the rest of us

Recently there was an article in the R&L that gave reports of the rich and lavish lifestyles of preachers and Bible teachers and evangelists. There are many different views on this subject, and everyone has a right to his or her own opinion.

As I hear the ridicule of lifestyles of others, I cannot help but think of my own lifestyle. I have a nice home filled with nice things. I am warm in the winter and cool in the summer. I have nice clothes and ride in a nice car. We own a nice truck. We have plenty of food.

I could go on, but as I think of my blessings, I can’t help but go to those who have no place to sleep or enough to eat. To them, I am rich and have a lavish lifestyle. In other countries, we see pictures of families sitting in the hot sun of the desert with dying children in their arms. To them, I am rich and have a lavish lifestyle. We see long lines of children waiting with a cup in hand to get all they will have to eat that day. To them, I am rich and live a lavish lifestyle.

There are wells dug for fresh water to drink, orphanages built, food being given every day, doctors being sent, homes being built in our country and other countries and lives being changed by some of the very people who are being judged harshly.

I do not know how God looks on others’ lifestyles and will not have to answer for them. I do know my own lifestyle and will answer for it.

Jesus said: "I was hungry and you fed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you came, and I was in prison and you were there for me." When asked when he was hungry and not fed, naked and not clothed, sick and no one came and in prison and no one was there, his answer was that when we did these for someone else, we had done it unto him.

I believe God is much more interested in how we take care of the needs of others than what kind of house we live in or what kind of car we drive. The only offering that impressed Jesus was the widow who gave all she had.

If we are going to be judged on rich and lavish lifestyles, I surely would have to plead for mercy, for, in the eyes of many, I live a rich and lavish lifestyle.

I pray I will not judge lest I be judged. God is a God of mercy, which brings assurance that we are forgiven. His amazing grace has brought us safe this far, and his grace will get us safely to our heavenly home where we will all live a rich and lavish life style.

God bless you.

Glenda Boan

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Glenda,

I read your post, and I must say that I have thought of something similar to this. But what can we do ? As a Christian, if do don't have enough people say " Where is your God ?!!! and Why should I believe in Him ? .." but if you have enough then " As a Christian , you are neglecting the poor ! In short, Christians may find themselves in a catch 22 situation all the time ! By the way I am from the United Kingdom