Saturday, January 19, 2008

Letter of the Day: Surrendering this war will have grave and lasting consequences

As I read a recent letter in the R&L, I was amazed that so many people just don’t get it. I don’t know if they are living in a fantasy world or blinded by partisan politics, or just don’t know any better. They seem to think we can pull our troops out of the Middle East, bring them home and everything will be hunky-dory and we will live happily ever after.

This is not a war like any other. We are not fighting a nation, we are fighting the forces of evil, and it will continue until Jesus returns. If we ever do turn tail, pull our troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan and leave those people at the mercy of the Iranians, the Taliban and the extremist Muslims, there would be a blood bath like we have never seen.

Do we have no mercy? No people anywhere in the world would ever have any respect or fear of the United States ever again. The war would not stop, just change locations from there to here. If you think 9-11 was bad, just wait. That will look like a Sunday school picnic compared to what we will see in the future.

The moment we show any sign of weakness, nations all over the world would jump on us like a chicken on a June bug. And what other nation in the whole world would come to our defense? But some believe that we are leaving too many men and women over there. I guess one life is too many.

According to a survey I read recently, more young people are dying on college campuses of binge drinking than have been killed in the war. Where are the protesters?

Our troops are giving their lives so you and I can live free, write letters of protest, go to the polls and elect our leaders, worship or not worship as we please, and enjoy all the good things we are so blessed in America to have.

If you think you have problems in this country, save up your money and move to any other nation in the world. It also amazes me that the same people who seem to be so concerned about our soldiers being killed, think it is just fine to kill 1.5 million of our most innocent citizens, unborn babies.

I have people say that this war is costing us too much money.

How much is it worth to you to live in a free country in dollars? How much is it worth to go to bed at night and feel safe without someone coming in and kidnapping or killing your children, raping your wife, placing a gun to your head and blowing your brains out? How much is it worth to have a job to go to each day, bring home a paycheck on Friday to feed and clothe your family and buy all the toys we think we need?

Think about it! Far more money is spent on gambling and playing the so called "Education Lottery," on beer, liquor, and tobacco, than is being spent on the war. These things are responsible for many more deaths also. Where are the protesters?

People around the world hate Americans for these reasons: because we are free and because of the God we serve. They hate the name of Jesus and they hate that God blessed American and made her strong. Psalm 33:12 says, "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord." He has blessed America more than any other nation that ever existed. He has fought our battles and given us victory every time except in Korea and Vietnam, where we did not trust God for victory.

If we elect people like Sens. Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama, or anyone else and put our trust in them instead of Almighty God and continue to allow the ACLU to make our laws and turn our nation away from God the way we have been doing for the past few years, God will lift his hand off America and say, have at it, do your own thing. (Deut. 28: 1-38.)

Take a look at history and you will see what happened to the children of Israel and every other nation through the years. "It’s not too late yet." (2 Ch 7:14).

Lathan Ostwalt

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