Saturday, April 19, 2008

Editorial: Make your baby proud

Our annual cutest baby contest is well under way.

We understand the excitement of the new parents and proud grandparents who are confident that the apple of their eye is a sure-fire winner.

To the delight of our circulation director, some will plunk down upward of $100 to buy copies of the paper containing the official ballots. Others will do just about anything to make sure that their favorite garners the most votes, including stealing papers by the dozens.

In the first few days of the contest, we nabbed a woman in the R&L lobby who deposited 50 cents in a box and grabbed significantly more than the single copy to which she was entitled.

Last year, hundreds of papers were stolen throughout the county.While this isn’t the saddest story every told, it’s a telling commentary on the times we live in.

The losers in these shenanigans are our dedicated contract carriers, who work seven nights a week to make sure our home-delivery subscribers and single-copy buyers have access to a paper when they want one.

With gas prices at an all-time high, our carriers need every quarter they earn just keep their cars on the road.

When you steal papers from a paper box (or your neighbor's driveway), you’re taking money out of these hard-working folks’ wallets and, in some instances, food out of their babies’ mouths.

We suspect the only thing more embarrassing than cheating and stealing to help your favorite baby win the contest will be explaining your conduct to a judge.

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