Sunday, April 13, 2008

Letter: Why doesn’t DNC trust party members to select nominee?

The column by D.G. Martin on April 1 was an April Fool’s joke, right? (Superdelegate David Parker, a Statesville attorney, wrote a letter to Martin about his role in the upcoming election.)

The absurdity of Parker using terms like “well qualified, brilliant, solid, credible ... natural leaders... incorruptible, etc.” to describe Barack Obama’s and Hillary Clinton’s credentials to be president is laughable. To have this illogical rendering come from two highly educated lawyers is very puzzling.

It is ludicrous to use these terms when one reviews the history of these two ultra-liberal Democrats. Obama’s uneventful single term in the Illinois legislature and short term in the U.S. Senate, most of which he has spent campaigning, hardly qualifies him for anything. Obama’s 20-year history of sitting through sermons by his mentor, the fiery racist and anti-American Rev. Jeremiah Wright, qualifies him only as either stone deaf or a racist himself. Obama’s grand speaking style seems to be his main attraction to the ill-informed public with his ad nauseam repetitious use of the word “change” with no substance whatsoever.

I’ll give David Parker one concession though, Obama is a “brilliant” speaker; in the same sense that “Jim” Jones and Elmer Gantry were brilliant.

And that leads me to Clinton. What a piece of work! She has been able to parlay her mismanagement of the numerous “bimbo-gate” affairs, the missing FBI files on Vince Foster, her dubious dealings at the Rose Law Firm and her gross inadequacies in drafting “Hillary-Care” into being the darling of the Democrats. These people are really hurting if this woman is the best that they can offer.

Mr. Parker goes on to characterize the “GOP candidate who does not know squat about the economy and will keep us in Iraq until 2100.”

All that we need to know is that John McCain knows enough about the economy to push to make the Bush tax cuts permanent and to repeal the Alternative Minimum Tax that is killing middle-class Americans. McCain is one of the most ardent excess spending hawks on Capital Hill and that’s good for all taxpayers.

As to the year 2100 comment by David Parker, I ask what would the Islamofascist like to hear, that we are cutting and running with Obama/Clinton or that America is going to stay the course from McCain.

This whole Democrat position of having “superdelegates” is the diametric opposite of one-man, one-vote. The sugar-daddies of the DNC do not trust the average Democrat voter to know what is best for them. The DNC is wont to leave out “Democratic” in the Democratic Party.

That pretty much opens the door for lawyers, unionists and lobbyists to run this political party.

Thomas Palmer

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