Monday, April 7, 2008

Letter: Will we let concrete jungle overwhelm our community?

I don't know how the rest of you feel, but I'd be very happy if Charlotte would just decide to enjulf someone else and leave us alone. Personally, I prefer a somewhat slower pace and a more relaxed lifestyle. That's the charm (and the attraction) of places like Statesville.

The mantra of the ever-threatening colossus to the south is "Charlotte uber alles" and it's poised, like a malignant cancer, to overwhelm us. If I wanted to live in Charlotte, I'd move there. And I don't care to be swallowed up in the name of progress, thank you.

Why don't the proponents of this insidious movement tell the whole story of increased crime, congestion, the transformation of the whole area into a concrete jungle?

Mecklenburg County is on track to be more than 90 percent deforested/defoliated by 2030. Do we want that for Iredell County? I hope not.

If rational minds cannot prevail, I and others like me will have no recourse but to "vote with our feet" and find another place to live.

Keith High

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