Monday, April 14, 2008

Letter: Administration's incompetence has left America in shambles

Webster defines the word bitter as “unpleasant to accept.”

For eight years we have endured the total incompetence of President Bush.

Five years of war have gone by with billions of our tax dollars going to that never-ending conflict, with thousands of our soldiers dead and thousands of innocent civilians dead. Our military morale is down and military suicide is up. The entire military is stretched to the limit.

We have watched as our Constitution has been raped and pillaged, having laws passed to keep people in prison indefinitely and even tortured.

Banks and other big businesses fail while their corporate executives receive full pensions and help from our government. What happens to the workers? They are flushed down the toilet! The gap between rich and poor continues to widen as our leaders feel it is more necessary to steal from the poor and give to the rich.

We have seen the total ineptitude of our government agencies, from intelligence gathering to emergency response.

Do I sound bitter? You better believe it! And I will march that bitterness right to the polls in both May and November. I hope God and CNN will forgive me!

Bob Barber

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