Thursday, April 17, 2008

Letter: Sen. McCain offers more of the same; we’ve had enough

Letter writer Thomas Palmer’s latest diatribe against everything in the Democratic campaign to replace this incompetent president with someone who demonstrates an interest in the welfare of the people is laughable and deluded.

Sen. John McCain, after graduating fifth from the bottom of his class at the Naval Academy, learned to fly airplanes, was shot down in combat and sat in a North Vietnam-ese prison for five years. He now lays claim to being an expert on warfare.

His expertise is probably on the same level as President Bush, who has so successfully pursued our tragedy in Iraq.On the economic front, McCain wants to continue the Bush tax cuts, which have been instrumental in increasing our national debt to unprecedented levels.

In fact, the last three Republican presidents are responsible for 90 percent of that debt.Mr. Palmer can think of nothing better than to repeat the allegations against Hillary Clinton, which have been investigated to death and at great expense by the Republican Congress without any results except a great waste of time and effort.

Lastly, Republican rule has been successful in devaluing our dollar to an all-time low, which has resulted in the sky-high oil prices we are all experiencing. At the same time they want to order tankers from Europe rather than Boeing, and now they want the Chinese to build our tanks.

It appears that the lawyers, unionists, etc., can do better at running the country than the CEOs giving away the store.

Henry M. Gordon

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